Fluster Buster

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~Getting Started

It is a simple question with a very simple answer, to save money!!!!! And honestly, who doesn't like to save money?

I have been a bargain shopper for years, I have very rarely ever payed retail for anything. I shop the thrift stores (I even owned one), discount stores, garage sales and any place where I can save a buck. I have two philosophies that I live buy. The first is NEVER pay retail for anything and the second is "A Penny Saved is a Penny earned". - Benjamin Franklin

When people see the amount of money that I save through various venues it always opens the door to many, many questions. So I thought that I would answer the question, "Why should I use coupons?", with some of the excuses that I have heard.

You can't save that much using coupons!
The reason people don't save that much money using coupons is because they put so many limits on themselves; loyalty to one store, loyalty to one brand, pride, time, the list goes on and on. I am sure that you could think of some yourself. With this site I will teach you step by step how to use those coupons to your advantage so that you can save a lot of money.

I don't have the time!
Personally I can't afford not make the time. Let's say that you work at a job making $15.00 per hour, by the time that they tax you, you are only making about $12.00 per hour. After work you go to the store and spend $20.00. You have now lost an hour and half of pay at the store.

Now, had you spent 15 minutes making a plan and gathering your coupons you would have saved about $10.00, keeping your hard earned money in your pocket, where it should be.

This site will help you to save time & money. I put together all of the best deals for you in a Shopping List format and have matched those deals with available coupons. All you have to do is print the Shopping List and gather your coupons.

Couponing can save you a lot of money with very little effort. All you need are the tools to know how to do it. This is the first post in the series "Become a Bargain Mavin", where we will provide you with the tools you need in an easy to understand format. Be sure to subscribe to this site so that you don't miss any of the steps. By the end of the series you too will be a Bargain Mavin.


Definitions (provided by: Dictionary.com)

bar*gain [bahr-guh n] - noun: an advantageous purchase, esp. one acquired at less than the usual cost.
ma*ven [mey-vuh n] also mavin - noun: an expert; a self-proclaimed expert.
Next Weeks Lesson, Step 2: The Coupon Language

I am here to help you get started! If you any questions email me or leave a comment.
1 Response
  1. Anonymous Says:

    Wow. Thank you immensely for all your research and bargain hunting. I will certainly put this to great use. I see the wisdom behind couponing - it is the way to go!

    Tacoma, WA

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